Week 5

 Week 5 (rima)

Talofa Kākano Whānau. 

This week is Samoan language week. Did you know that samoan is the third most spoken language in New Zealand.  

Another busy week in Kakano last week, on top of our normal week we also ran the Pentecost Liturgy.  We are so proud of how all our children participated in this. 


We have been donated a large amount of craft resources and the children have had loads of fun creating some amazing spider webs outside.  It was great to see the children working alongside each other to create this.  If someone got stuck in the web they would work together to get them free.

We also had a large amount of buttons and the children have been making their own jewellery.

If you are having a clear out at home and have anything you are disposing of please have a chat with one of the teachers, because your junk could be an amazing resource for the children.

The week ahead:

Monday - normal school day. Mrs Mines and Mrs Mareroa are away

Tuesday - normal school day. Mrs Mines and Mrs Mareroa are away

Wednesday - normal school day

Thursday - normal school day

Friday - sausage sizzle, juicy, library day

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Kākano Teachers - Mrs. Mines, Mrs. Mareroa, Mrs. Thomson, and Whaea Shayla.


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