
Showing posts from July, 2021

Mid Week 1

  What a great start to the week we have had! The children are incredibly settled and have loved their new learning space. Reports Reports will be sent home this Friday.  Inside the envelope will be another piece of paper, please take the time to complete this and bring to the interviews next week. Interviews Next week we will have Three-Way Goal Setting Conferences for Parent/Student/Teacher. Students and their parent(s) need to make an appointment to attend a 10-minute conference with the child's teacher on one of these two days.  Appointments available Tuesday 3 August 3.10pm - 6pm Wednesday 4 August 3.10pm - 6pm How to make a booking Bookings are now open. How do parents make a booking for their child's Three-Way Conference? Via the following  link  and enter the code  aemzc Via the links button on our School App - select School Interviews - enter the code  aemzc Please note:  If you are late for your appointment you m...

Welcome to Term 3. Week 1

  Week 1 Term 3 Welcome back to T3!  We hope you all had a restful holiday break. The teachers spent their holidays participating in professional learning and are keen to begin implementing our new learning with the children.   We also have been busy changing things up in our classroom and are excited to see what the children think of their new space. This week we welcome Mrs Jane Trask to the Kākano whanau.   Mrs Trask and her new children will be working in the room just outside of Kākano.  We can't wait to welcome our new friends. What is happening this week… Monday: Normal school day Tuesday: Normal school day Wednesday: Normal school day Thursday: Matariki Liturgy 12:15 in the school hall (all parents and families are welcomed) Friday: Library / Sausage Sizzle and Juicies for sale ($1.50 each) / School assembly (new children welcomed) PTA Notices: PTA AGM The PTA AGM is scheduled for  7pm Wednesday 28 July - first week back Term Three - in the sc...

Disco Update

 There was an error on the disco flyer, this has been changed. Please note the disco starts at 5:30pm

Week 10

  Kia Ora e te Whanau,   We hope you have had an awesome weekend enjoying the sunshine and possibly looking out for our Matariki Stars in the early hours of the morning.   We are so close to the end of term and only have 4 more school days left! How did time fly so quickly. This week children need to be at school from Monday – Thursday as Friday is a Teachers Only Day. Please contact Mary-Ann Roling from Glenholme Afterschool on 347 0709 or 0211 215599 if you need childcare on this day.  We would like to congratulate all the children in Kākano 4, 5, 6, and 7 for the amazing assemblies they have prepared for the school in the last 3 weeks. You were all so brave and confident and we are so proud of you. Also a big thank you to all our parents and whanau that came along to these assemblies, your presence was felt by the children and the school!   We have a very busy and action packed week ahead with things happening before, during and after school. Monday morning w...