Kia Ora Kākano Whanau
Welcome to a very different Week 5. Please see the information below on how to support your child’s learning whilst at home.
Parent Meeting:
You will receive an email invitation to meet with me tomorrow. This is an opportunity for parents to ask questions and for me to offer support as we head into online learning. Please note this meeting will be for all parents to attend. I will set up a time to meet with students later in the week.
All children have an Educa account. Teachers will be sharing daily tasks for you to complete alongside your child. This could include maths, early literacy activities, reading, writing, RE, physical challenges. At the start of the week you will receive a Bingo Board which will give you some ideas on activities your child could complete. If you do not have access to Educa already please email me You can share what your child is getting up to with me via Educa. Check out the link to find out how to add a parent story to your child’s account,
How will learning look at your home…
In Kākano we spend a good part of our day Learning through play. This means at home your child should spend time playing as part of their learning. When your child is sitting down to do ‘formal’ learning they should be spending no longer than 15minutes on a task. Remember everything you are doing at home is supporting your child’s learning. This includes going for a walk, helping with chores, playing board games, imaginative play with siblings, making independent choices inside and outside when playing. Positive interactions with others will benefit their learning.
Keep an eye on Educa each day for your child’s task. All learning tasks will be uploaded to Educa by 8:30 each day.
We will keep posted with any changes to our online learning via email and the class blog.
I hope you are all well during these unfamiliar and very different times,
Take care and I will see you tomorrow during the online meeting.
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