Kia Ora Kākano Whanau

Kia Ora Kākano Whanau

Welcome to week 6!! Well done on making it through lockdown so far. Thank you so

much for all of your support during this time. It is so important to us, the teachers, that

you are all well and safe at home. We are not judging families on how much school work

they are getting done during these uncertain times.

Please make sure to fill in this survey by Monday (30th August) 9AM. 

Link to survey:

Teachers will be following up with families who have not completed it by then. The survey

gives us important information on who needs to be at school during Level 3.

Mr James has created a virtual assembly to make up for the assembly we didn’t share

together on Friday, as we usually do during normal school. Click the link below to watch

the assembly and find out who the superkids are this week!!!

Here is our week 5 Virtual Assembly. It is great to celebrate the achievements and hard

work of our tamariki. 

We find ourselves in another week of online learning. Here is the week ahead so you

know which learning areas we’ll be covering each day:

  • Monday 

    • Bingo board for the week shared

    • Reading

    • Maths

  • Tuesday

    • Writing

    • Maths

    • Group Chat

  • Wednesday

    • Reading

    • RE

  • Thursday

    • Writing

    • Maths

    • Group Chat

  • Friday

    • Fun Friday activity

    • Movement challenges

I will organise google meets for Tuesday and Thursday this week at 10:30am.  If anyone would like me to contact them at another time please email me to sort a time.

We love seeing all of the work you are sharing. Thank you again for all of your support!

Mrs Mines, Mrs Mareroa, Mrs Thomson, Whaea Shayla, Mrs Trask 


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