Mid Week Post
I would like to thank you all so much for participating in our online learning with your child. I have loved seeing the pictures, videos and work that your child is doing whilst at home. Again, if you need anything please feel free to email me lorrainet@stmarysrotorua.school.nz
The children were so amazing today during our chat, making sure their microphones were on mute, and taking turns to talk. I was so impressed with how fast they picked up the idea of a group video chat and how quickly they learned to use the video chat tools.
We will have another Google chat this Friday at 10:30am. This chat will be a Crazy Hat Chat so come wearing a hat that you have made or one you have around home! We will also have a game - Scavenger Hunt so be prepared to race around your whare looking for things. I will share the invite today.
As a staff we are aware that Lockdown can cause many families stress and anxiety, if you know of any families who are in need of a food parcel please let me know. The school has access to weetbix, milk and bread, and will be able to drop off food parcels with all the necessary safety requirements.
Keep safe and I hope we get to see each other in our real classroom (not the virtual one) very soon.
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