Week 7
Kia Ora Kākano Whānau, A few notices and reminders for the week. Swimming Kākano 6, Kākano 7, and Kākano 8 will be swimming this week. Thanks for making sure your children have their swimming gear and a towel. Library Books All library books need to be returned to school last week. Students may be coming home with a list of overdue books that might be still at home. Principal’s Morning Tea Three children from each class will be receiving an invitation to Principal’s Morning Tea this Thursday. Look out for their invitations later on this week!! School Magazine We are publishing a school magazine again this year, and this will be available during the last week of this term. It will be a great memento of 2021. Orders are taken now with the cost for the magazine being $10.00 . What’s Coming up this week … Monday - Normal School Day Tuesday - Normal School Day Wednesday - Normal School Day Thursday - Principal’s Morning Tea Friday - Library / school visits / sausage sizzle and j...