Week 4
Kia Ora Kākano Whānau
IMPORTANT: Friday 13th November. Teacher Only Day.
There will be no school on this day. If you require care for your child you can ring Maryanne Roling from Glenholme Afterschool Care.
Maryanne’s contact numbers are:
07 347 0709
0211 215599
Parish Mass
Tomorrow morning Kakano 6 is heading to Mass. Please make sure the children are at school on time and in the correct summer uniform. Each class is going to Mass individually due to the Covid levels.
Spreads for toast
As many of you are aware, our toast in the morning is a big hit with the children. They love coming to school and being able to make their own toast. We are able to provide the bread for the toast, but we are coming to the end of the spreads we have at school, we will need donations of spreads. If you would like to bring in a jar or 2 that would be appreciated
PTA Raffle Results
Thanks everyone for your support. Here are the winners…
1st Prize Bye Family
2nd Prize Ruden Castillo
3rd Prize Grace Defensor
Winners have been contacted. Thank you for all your support with these raffle tickets and congratulations to our winning tickets.
Working Bee
Thank you to all the families who were able to help out on Saturday with our school working bee! Thank you for giving up your time to help keep our school looking spic and span.
What’s Coming up this week …
Monday - Parish Mass 9am
Tuesday - Normal School Day
Wednesday - Normal School Day
Thursday - Normal School Day
Have a great rest of your weekend,
The Kākano teachers!
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