Week 3
Kia ora Whānau THIS TUESDAY Tuesday 2nd November at 2.30pm, our staff, along with teachers from St Michael’s Rotorua, St Mary’s Putararu and Bishop Edward Gaines in Tokoroa are involved in Titiro Whakamuri kia haere whakamua Professional Development. We will need to finish school at 2.15pm on that Tuesday so I ask that you pick your child up at 2.15pm. If you require after school care you can ring Maryanne Roling from Glenholme Afterschool Care. Mary Anne’ s contact number is : 347 0709 or 0211 215599 Raffles Thank you for your support with the selling of our PTA’s Raffle Books. We still have some outstanding books, can these please be returned tomorrow so the raffle can be drawn. If you have misplaced these can you please let the teacher know Swimming This week Kākano 6,7 and 8will be swimming. Children will need to bring their named swimming togs and a towel everyday this week. Working Bee We intend to have a working bee this weekend, Saturday, November 6th. A note went home on Frida...